How To: Request the “nomination to be system administrator”


The nomination to be a system administrator is required to instantiate virtual machines exposed to the public network to let other users to use the services in it deployed. If you don’t need such capabilities, please consider our deployments on a private network.

Access to the INFN signature book portal

  1. When you log in for the first time, you need to configure your SIMPLE SIGNATURE and, if you have one, your Infocert CERTIFIED SIGNATURE.

    YUBIK portal

    YUBIK portal

  2. Go to and click on INFN-AAI button to login with your INFN credentials.

    Login with INFN-AAI

    Login with INFN-AAI

Associate the digital signature

  1. To proceed with the association of your signature, in the main menu click at the top right and then on the My certificates button.

    My certificates

    My certificates

  2. Click on button Add for added new simple signature. (at the center button)

    Add certificates

    Add certificates

  3. For adding your signature, click on the Type button at the first line and select type Simple, select Upload Image for added the file with your signature from your Computer and click the Save certificate button for save your simple signature.

    Simple certificates

    Save simple certificates

  4. You can find your simple signature in the top-bar My certificates.

    My certificates

    My certificates

  5. Click on button Add in the window My certificates for added your new certificate InfocertOTP. Write your name, ID cart, select the Upload Image button for added the file with your signature from your Computer and click the Save certificate button to complete your certificates InfocertOTP.

    My InfocertOTP

    My InfocertOTP

  6. You can find all of your certificates in the top-bar My certificates.

    My certificates

    My certificates

Create a new document


Due to issues with the localization of the YUBIK portal, the next steps are described using screenshots in the Italian language.

Your language

Your language

  1. Click on the Create a new case button (green button at the top left) to create and approve the document.


    This is menu shows the counters number of your processes.

    Create a New Case

    Create a New case

  2. Choose the Approve and Sign button.

    Approve and Sign document

    Approve and Sign document

  3. In section one Definisci la tua pratica define your process. The available fields in the first menu are the following:
    • Titolo - Title of the documents.
    • Descrizione - Description of the process
    • Tag - Tag to associate with the process, optional field
    • Data di Scadenza - Expiration date, optional field.
    • Urgente - Yes/No flag, optional field.
    • Visibilità alla persona - Users who can view the case, optional field.
    • Visibilità al gruppo - Groups that can view the process, optional field.
    Creation form menu

    Creation form menu

  4. In the second section Definisci le tue firme you can selected one of the follow the signature types:
    • Simple: that is, just a graphic signature without a certificate.
    • PAdES with Positional Signature: i.e. qualified signature with related signature certificate. Allows you to position the signature within the document in the desired position. Select this one.
    • PAdES without image: i.e. qualified signature with related signature certificate. Unlike the positional one, the image of the signature will not be inserted into the document.
    • CADES: qualified signature, which transforms the document into p7m.
    Configuration envelope

    Configuration envelope

  5. Click on the document icon to define the signature.

    Select the *PAdES with Positional Signature* option

    Select the PAdES with Positional Signature option

  6. Click on the Aggiungi button to add the signer.

    Select *Aggiungi* icon

    Select Aggiungi icon

  7. After entering all the mandatory fields.
    • Click on Conferma to create the process. The content the document can be consulted through the preview.
    • Click on Annulla if you do want to cancel the entry and return to the homepage.


  8. After creation, the case lands in the draft status under the responsibility of the applicant. In the following state the user can: add the document(s) to sign, modify the information entered during creation or delete the process.



  9. Then download the document and fill all the fields saving to file.

    Compile the document

    Compile the document

    Compile the document

    Compile the document

  10. To add documents you need to click on the Clicca qui o trascina il documento da creare button and drag or select the file from your PC.

    Compile the document

    Compile the document

  11. To add documents you need to click on the OK button.

    Add the document

    Add the document

  12. You can see and modify your draft.

    Add the document

    Add the document

  13. The applicant can define the position in which the signature will be placed.

    Define documents to sign

    Define documents to sign

  14. Click on Posiziona firma for placing signatures in the correct place, then click on the small button in the right bottom corner of the Posiziona Firma button to select the next signer, then position also the second signature.



  15. Signature of the document for acceptance:



  16. To approve you document click Azioni button on the right menu.

    Send the documents to the signers

    Send the documents to the signers

  17. Find the case in your home dashboard

    Find the case

    Find the case

  18. Click on the Firma button.

    Start the signing

    Start the signing

  19. Click on the Firma documento button
    Sign the document

    Sign the document

  20. Wait for the signing process to finish.
    Signing process.

    Signing process

  21. Once the process is finished, signatures will appear. Then click on Prosegui.


    Final screen for a successful process

    Final screen for a successful process

Download the signed document

#. Once the requester has signed the document, the document will pass to the Director for signing. When the Director has applied its own signature, the file can be downloaded and sent to the user support unit which will verify its validity and assign the due privileges.

  1. Click on “Visualizza” or follow the link.



  2. Click on the “Archivio” button to see the approved cases files and select the Nomina ad amministratore di sistema.

  3. At the bottom of the page, find the signed document and download it to your PC.

    Download the signed document

    Download the signed document

Send the document to the support unit

Once the Director has signed the document, a notification e-mail will be sent to requester containing a link to the signed document.

  1. Be sure you dowloaded the full digitally signed version of the PDF.

  2. Rename the file to “<Surname><Name>-<email>.pdf”

  3. Attach the file to the ticket in ServiceDesk containing your registration request

