Deploy Elasticsearch & Kibana (sys-admin nomination required)¶
Table of Contents
The user has to be registered in the IAM system for INFN-Cloud Only registered users can login into the INFN-Cloud dashboard
User responsibilities¶
The solution described in this guide consists on the deployment of Elasticsearch and Kibana on top of Virtual Machines instantiated on INFN-CLOUD infrastructure. The instantiation of a VM comes with the responsibility of maintaining it and all the services it hosts.
Please read the INFN Cloud AUP in order to understand the responsibilities you have in managing this service.
Elasticsearch & Kibana configuration¶
If you belong to multiple projects, aka multiple IAM-groups, after login into the dashboard, from the lower left corner, select the one to be used for the deployment you intend to perform. Not all solutions are available for all projects. The resources used for the deployment will be accounted to the respective project, and impact on their available quota. See figure below.
Once selected the project choose the “Elasticsearch & Kibana” button, then press configure.
The configuration menu is presented. Parameters are split in two pages: “Basic” and “Advanced” configuration.
Basic configuration¶
The user has to fill the following parameters:
The parameters below are mandatory.
- the description of the deployment.
- the contact email.
- the elastic_password. This password is created for the username elastic that allows you to log in to the Kibana dashboard.
- the kibana_password. This is a specific password for the internal user kibana_system. Kibana uses these credentials to connect and communicate with Elasticsearch.
Other parameters are filled with default values:
- 10 GB of volume size. The accepted value can range between 0 GB and the amount of storage left from the quota set by the provider for the respective project. If 0 GB is selected, the storage of the filesystem will be used. Its total size is 20 GB.
- Volume mounting point which is “/data” by default.
- The user can select between 2 resource flavors: 2 VCPUs - 4 GB RAM and 4 VCPUs - 8 GB RAM.
By default the provider where the cluster will be istantiated is automatically selected by PaaS system. The Orchestrator deploys the cluster in the environment that best fit your input.
When all parameters has been set, the user can submit the cluster.
Advanced configuration¶
The user can select:
- Manual scheduling, selecting the provider where the cluster will be created.
- The timeout for the deployment.
- “no cluster deletion” in case of failure, this is a helpful feature for the orchestrator administrator. The administrator can perform debugging using it.
- If desired, the user can choose to receive an e-mail when the cluster deployment is complete. It is enabled by default.
Deployment result¶
To check the status of the deployment and its details select the “deployments” button. Here all the user’s deployments are reported with “description”, “deployment uuid”, “status”, “creation time” and the “provider”, such as screenshot below.
For each deployment the button “Details” allows:
- to retrieve the deployment log file that contains error messages in case of failure.
- to show the TOSCA template of the cluster (currently only the default values).
- to get the details of deployment with related VMs created
- to lock the deployment.
- to delete the cluster.
Click on the deployment uuid you can look to your configuration:
- Overview of the cluster where it shows the status of the deployment, the time of the deployment creation and update, and the provider that is hosting the cluster.
- The Input Values you provided to create the cluster.
- The Output Values you can use to access to the kibana dashboard and the VM where the services are running. Like the below screenshot: